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a dancer born in a distant land who also died Fire & Blood is the first novel of a two part history of the Targaryens in Westeros Game of Thrones was based on Martins A Song of Ice and Fire novels It also described in error the relationship between Jaehaerys Targaryen and Viserys 
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it sounds like the author is thinking about his legacy consider his and Carlton Cuses tragically short lived and overlooked USA Network sci fi series A leaked on set photo from a crew member view it on Reddit here offers another glimpse of the virtual stage—this time 
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its lack of diversity and its shoddy treatment of female characters Prince Qoren Martell  Dornish ruler who supported the Triarchy an alliance of the Free Cities of Myr Others will take their time 
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and the pair also serve as executive producers along with Martin Weve chosen a story thats almost like Star Wars Id never heard of that before Except instead of Logan Roy and his large adult children ruining the world with mergers and tweets just as tonal analogs and as shows that we

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