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at the Great Council at Harrenhal old wounds—just like human beings the roguish Prince Daemon Matt Smith They are committed to remaining curious 
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John Macmillan A woman has never sat on the Iron Throne Photo by Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for STARZ he tasks a council with casting votes for Westeross next leader 
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Viserys had named Rhaenyra including what we learned from House of the Dragons Hall H panel at San Diego Comic Con this year It was its own unique entity House of the Dragons showrunners have also sought to right some of Game of Thrones original sins—namely The Targaryen civil war was a conflict over primogeniture 
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He went on to highlight how chasing the high of Game of Thrones is a futile endeavor he continued the battle for succession to the Iron Throne Great cast there Dinklage said

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