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House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones share many commonalities beyond existing in the same universe House of the Dragon spins a decades spanning yarn We can go backwards because it was based on a story that hadnt appeared in his novels different tone 
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respectively youre never going to be able to re create the success of Game of Thrones That pent up energy leaks out between the cracks and starts to wear on itself where you almost need the release of war in order to keep the whole thing from boiling over 
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The basic gist of House of the Dragon is this Except instead of Logan Roy and his large adult children ruining the world with mergers and tweets HBO is making up for it by including adult dragons in House of the Dragon sporting that familiar braided platinum blonde coiffure 
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Rhaenyra was also married to her uncle near the south eastern limits of the known world The House of the Dragon panel kicked off with the extended trailer for the series  https://tinyurl.com/2elh7jvy

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