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The lack of a morning erection is not a cause for concern
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We asked the urologist-andrologist of the clinic of the medical center Sergey Sergeevich klass: they say, what do men most often ask you at your appointments? It turned out that every second patient asks a question about a morning erection. And the doctor was carried away — he told us a lot of interesting things: we read and try on ourselves, men! In fact, the lack of a morning erection is not a cause for concern. During sleep, there are three to five spontaneous erections, and nighttime ones are equated with morning ones: - normally, every day in the morning, there is no arousal for no reason, which lies on the bed next to it, and there should not be, especially after 25 years; - you can not notice spontaneous erections because they happen at night in a dream. Here is a real example: a patient comes in and wants to be circumcised. When asked about morning and night erections, he shakes his head: "No, it's been a long time." Okay, we're doing the circumcision, at the checkup.: "Wow, how often he wakes me up at night." In a dream, an erection occurs, the stitches are stretched, the patient feels and
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Symptoms of impotence Doctors identify six main criteria on the basis of which a man can be considered impotent: * if he is unable to experience sexual attraction; * if he is unable to achieve a sufficient erection, although he feels sexual desire;
• if he is unable to insert the penis into the vagina after the appearance of an erection;
• if it is unable to perform frictional movements for the required time;
• if he is unable to achieve ejaculation as a result of frictional movements;
if he is unable to experience an orgasm as a result.
Types of impotence There are two types of impotence – organic and psychogenic. Organic impotence is a physiological disorder. These include, for example, urological diseases, endocrine disorders, and vascular diseases. This pathology progresses slowly. Periodically, there is no erection, gradually failures become more frequent. With organic impotence, sexual attraction to a partner, a relative erection, sometimes persists
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